Hey! I’m Leslie and welcome to my corner of the world. I created Real Fit Housewife as my brand nearly 9 years ago, because I was a housewife who was working on her FITness and was all about being REAL on the journey (plus I kinda love the Real Housewives of any county), but what I realized is that so many other women were inspired by my journey and decided to start too.
It was upon receiving those messages that I realized sharing my journey on social media was more impactful and inspiring than I’d ever realized. I love sharing my passions for health & wellness, gluten-free cooking & baking recipes, plus now plant based ones too. I love deals & bargains, so I share where I find it all including everything from activewear to home decor. In fact, building our home 4 years ago truly made me realize how fun home decor & design could be. It’s still a toss up on whether I own more throw pillow or activewear leggings though!
I was born, raised & live in Michigan and I have a huge collection of winter wear, but I truly love tropical beaches, bikinis and warm breezes, so we escape as often as possible. My husband Jeff & I have been married for over 16 years now and he’s truly my best friend who has always believed in all of my crazy dreams. We have two tween & teen daughters, Audrey & Finley, who were the reason I decided to get fit from home when they were teeny tiny & eventually build a business from home too. Being home to raise & now homeschool our girls has been one of the biggest blessings. Oh and we also have 3 crazy puppies to keep life fluffy!
Thank you so much for being here and I hope you feel inspired, try a recipe of mine & maybe find a deal or two!